Work Safety | More Attention on Fire Safety and Life First

To enhance the company’s ability to deal with emergencies and raise the awareness of fire safety precautions for all employees, we conducted a full-scale fire drill for the second half of 2020 on December 5, 2020, according to the annual work plan for work safety and the arrangement of work safety activities.

After nearly 170 seconds of evacuation,

employees of all departments evacuated quickly and orderly to the designated gathering point

First aid drill

The company’s first-aider taught all employees the operating principles of first aid knowledge such as arm injury, CPR and artificial respiration, and demonstrated them on site.

On-site fire-fighting facilities drill

Security team leader Huang Jianyong explained how to use the dry powder fire extinguisher

Huang Jianyong introduced the structure and usage of dry powder fire extinguisher. Chen Xiaohua, the safety director, gave additional explanation on the application of dry powder fire extinguisher and emphasized that grinding workshop, screen printing workshop, spraying workshop and paper skin cutting area are key fire prevention areas. He pointed out that we should strengthen the key areas’ hot work management, strictly implement fire prevention and control system and perform hot work in accordance with the application process of the job slip. He also introduced fire fighting knowledge that grinding workshop uses metal fire extinguishers instead of dry powder and water to extinguish fire; die-casting workshop is prohibited to use water to extinguish fire; household oil fires and electrical fires can not be extinguished by water and other related fire fighting knowledge.

Dry powder fire extinguisher drill for employees


Mr. Liang pointed out: Today we held the fire drill for the second half of 2020 with the main purpose to effectively fulfill the main responsibility of the enterprise fire safety, improve the ability to respond to emergencies and fire safety awareness of all employees, implement the “prevention-oriented, prevention and fire fighting combined” fire policy, to minimize casualties and property damage.

This November is National Fire Prevention Month and the theme is “More Attention on Fire Safety and Life First”. This year, from January to November, there were 9 minor accidents (including minor injuries), a decrease of 47% compared with 17 accidents in the same period last year, which is the result of the attention of all departments to safety. I hope that all departments will continue to make efforts, innovate ideas, eliminate hidden dangers, prevent minor accidents and nip them in the bud, so as to make greater contributions to the sustainable and stable development of the company. I will make 2 requests below:

1. Each department should implement the control measures of all levels of dangerous sources, do a good job in the double management of hidden danger investigation and risk control and conduct safety education for employees through safety boards, morning meetings, WeChat and other forms, to make the safety work more detailed and practical.

2. In terms of fire fighting, fire prevention management remains our focus. The management of fire, hot work, hazardous chemicals, prevention of electrical fires and other aspects should be included in the daily safety management.

Remember: you only live once

Finally, I wish all the family members of Victor Aluminum a healthy and happy life and peace of mind. Thank you.

Take preventive measures for fire accidents and deem fire fighting responsibilities paramount.

Every staff from Victor Aluminum should raise awareness of fire safety and eliminate safety hazards, so that everyone can work in a safe environment.

2021-03-17 return